國立台灣科技大學 校友總會 國立台灣科技大學 校友總會




1.依109 年 05 月 28 日學校防疫小組第 24 次會議會議紀錄:6 月 6 日上午於 體育館辦理學校畢業典禮。 故為防疫及辦理畢典,當日僅限全體畢業生、授證代表同學與授證代表同學 2 位家人可進入畢業典禮會場,每人均需戴口罩,始能進入會場。

According to the minutes of the 24th conference of NTUST Epidemic Prevention Team on May 28th, 2020, the commencement will be held on June 6th at GYM. To implement epidemic prevention and hold the commencement at the same time, only every graduating student the representatives of the charter ceremony and two of their family members can enter the venue. Every individual MUST wear a face mask to enter the venue.



Graduating Students and their family members can enter the campus on June 6th for the whole day and June 7th before 4 P.M. There will not be any limit to the number of students’ family members entering the campus. However, real-name registration will be implemented. Before entering the campus, please fill out the visiting pass file, and the file must be checked by the staff. The file can be found at the file-downloading section of this page or after scanning the QR-CODE at the entrance of the campus. Those who have a fever must not enter the campus.


3.6月6日8:30 -09:10為全體畢業生、授證代表與其家人進入體育館,9 :20典禮正式開始。活動開始後無法進場,無法進入會場之同學,學務處設有直播供同學線上收看。

All graduating students, representatives, and the family members of the representatives can enter the venue at 8:40-9:10 on June 6th. The commencement starts at 9:20. All entry into the venue will not be allowed after the commencement starts. Those who cannot enter the venue can watch the live broadcast online.



The invitation card of 2020 graduation ceremony is online.



Graduating Students can get themselves free gifts by checking in on social media platforms with photos at 10:00 to 16:00 on May 27th to June 5nd in front of the Post Office. Gifts you might get include a NTUST badge or a luggage strap. (Each student can only get one free gift for once, and the number of the gifts is limited.)


6.請儘量搭乘大眾運輸交通工具到校,若開車請由國際大樓或研揚大樓停車場進入,6 月 6 日停車優惠半價(25 元/時)、6 月 7 日正常收費。

Taking public transportations to school is recommended. If driving your own car, please enter the school through the parking garage of IB or TR. The parking fee will have a 50% discount on June 6th (25NTD per Hour). The parking fee will be changed as usual on June 7th.


7.本次畢業典禮演講貴賓為數位政務委員:唐鳳政委,活動中可與唐鳳政委互動,互動方式透過 slido詢問互動,詳細方式星期五會開立新的event code、二維碼或QR-CODE,讓同學先提問。若有同學提問與其他同學有相同提問,可在題目按讚即可,題目會上移至更醒目的地方。

The guest speakers of the commencement is the digital minister, Audrey Tang. In the event, you may interact with the minister on Slido. We will share an Event Code or a QR-Code on Friday. Students can ask questions on Slido beforehand. If questions are repeated, you may like your post for it to update to the top section.

